Facts about hunters:
- The Order is short for 'The Order of the Guardians of Humanity'.
- The Order has a branch in every major city.
- The Order accepts only humans (people with very distant blood relations to supernatural creatures might be accepted, as long as they don't have magic. The purest the human, the more respect they get).
- The Order members are trained in combat, history, magic, potions, weapons and mythology.
- The Order members specialize in one type of creatures they hunt, but they are trained to survive all.
- Once accepted in the Order, its members must forsake family and other relations and can never retire from the Order, except in death.
- Order members often tattoo runes on them for protection, mainly against witches and their influence over the mind.
- The Order considers Celeste Enemy #1. They have a special unit that is trying to figure out how to strip her of her immortality and another one trained to kill her when she awakens.
The Order Hierarchy: